translated from Spanish: The idea of a teacher to celebrate Christmas Eve safely and as a family

The world is preparing to celebrate a very special Christmas Eve crossed by the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19), which will force a number of restrictions and measures to prevent contagion and the spread of the disease. In this context, writer and teacher Lola Cabrillana shared a series of tips that can help many people celebrate parties with the whole family, even if they are not physically together. Through her Twitter account, Cabrillana told that in her family it is customary for each member to cook a dish on Christmas Eve and then meet and share it with the rest. But understanding that for these times the most important thing is to take care of yourself, this year they will not meet. In any case, isolation will not be able to against its tradition.

only time in the year you’re going to eat that dish. Everyone has a specialty. My mother makes, for example, scandalous artichokes. My uncle a loin in unmatched butter. Well, everyone has to make nine tuppers, small ones, with the food they have. I have — Child Teacher (@de_infantil)
December 18, 2020

It is that the teacher proposed that each member cook their specialty (always using beard) and divide the portions into nine tuppers, and then distribute them in each family member’s homes. In this way, they will celebrate Christmas each at home, but feeling the family close by. The thread Cabrillana wrote telling how to organize a safe and family Christmas Eve in pandemic times exploded on Twitter and there are many users who thanked him for the proposal and celebrated the idea of doing everything they could to celebrate by feeling close to the family.

Original source in Spanish


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