translated from Spanish: No more femicides in Peñalolén

Jocelyn’s death surprises us to the days of commemorating National Day Against Femicide, adding one more companion to the long list of women and girls taken from their own lives and the lives of those who love them.
In these days we have met her family, her friends and friends and a community that mourns her and reminds her cheerful and enthusiastic, loving mom, squeatheing friend and fighter… Jocelyn will continue to live in the memory of his queride beings.
As women we live daily unprotected by the State from violence, cessanty, overcrowding, discrimination and poverty in our commune; these experiences lead us to distrust institutions and their public policies; Despite what we are demanding today that local, regional and national authorities be part of the complaint against Jocelyn’s femicide and also charge with the reparation of girls and adolescents, as well as their families and all indirect victims by Jocelyn Hernández Jara’s femicide.

We demand that the mayor be part of the complaint, with the same tenacity that has condemned the social protest and the vecines that manifest themselves against the repression and oppression of this bad government; we also require that the Municipality of Peñalolén be part of interinstitutional coordination, to ensure the protection and comprehensive care (psychological, social and legal) of girls and adolescents indirect victims of Femicidio de Jocelyn, as well as their families and other adult victims.
We call for a Gender-Based Violence Programme; with a multidisciplinary team with protocols of action involving different actors in the state. We believe that prevention work with children and adolescents in all educational establishments in the commune is essential, as long as discrimination and subordination of women to men continues to become naturalized, abuse and abuse continue to reproduce.
We maintain our purpose to continue to lift feminist political action by eliminating all forms of violence and oppression against girls, women and diversity.
We don’t forget their names, they resonate loudly, we want each other alive!
Jocelyn Hernandez Jara present!

The content poured into this opinion column is the sole responsibility of its author, and does not necessarily reflect the editorial line or position of El Mostrador.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Chile

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