translated from Spanish: College of Matrons and Matrons condemned Femicide by Maria Isabel Pavez

The College of Matrons and Matrones of Chile expressed its “deep dismay” at the femicide of Obstetrics student María Isabel Pavez Zamora, a second-year UDP student, and called on the Government to make extreme efforts with concrete actions to end violence against women.” Advertising campaigns to prevent femicides and violence against women have been exhausted, no longer have any practical effect. We want fewer campaigns and more concrete action on the part of the Government to end this scourge that affects us women. For Maria Isabel and for the more than half a hundred women who have lost their lives to sexist violence this 2020,” said the national president of the trade union order, Anita Román. “We need a law that punishes femicide, abuse and all kinds of violence against women to the fullest,” she stressed. According to the Chilean Network against Violence against Women, there are already 56 femicides this year, the last two recorded in Santiago and Viña del Mar, without considering the so-called femic suicides and the killings of other family members due to VIF. “We want to send a fraternal greeting to The family, friends, companions and companions of Mary Elizabeth. Nothing will repair the damage caused, but we want her story to remeamate those who still don’t understand the sexist violence, which today took us from Román.La future colleague in the midwim shop,” Román.La president of the College said, “this femicide shows that we are failing as Román.La society as a whole, but the first one responsible for giving us that security is the state, and that’s what we appeal to today. , for the Government to leave the slogans and really commit to improving channels of support, counseling, prevention and case monitoring.”

Original source in Spanish


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