translated from Spanish: Florence Varela: policeman killed a teenager who stormed a claw truck

A Bonaerian police officer killed a 16-year-old teenager amid an attempted robbery of a truck loaded with claws in the Bonaerense town of Bosques, Florencio Varela party.Although it became known today, the fact occurred last Wednesday at 16:30, at the intersection of La Esmeralda and Lobos streets.A truck was distributing ticks when it was assaulted by a teenager in a cap and armed with a gun that demanded the driver to give him the fundraiser. According to the reconstruction of the fact, at that time a lieutenant of the Infantry Corps of the Police of the Province of Buenos Aires, who was dressed as a civilian, observed the situation, pulled out his weapon and identified himself as such and tried to get the teenager to lay down the situation and drop his weapon.

The policeman then shot the assailant in the head at the threat of the boy’s gun and was willing to fire on him. Florence Varela prosecutor Vanesa Maiola, in charge of the case, told Télam that the investigation is in the process and that autopsy details are expected in the child’s body and other expertise to determine the policeman’s action.” It is a very complicated situation because it is a dead minor and on the other hand there is a person who felt threatened by a weapon that had the assailant. What is clear is w if it was an attempted robbery,” he explained. The expertise and research was carried out by the staff of Gendarmería Nacional Argentina (GNA), who were analyzing security cameras and other expertise to assist the investigation. At the site, investigators hijacked a .32-caliber pistol with a 14-inch war post, while hijacking the numeracy’s regulatory weapon for such experts.

Original source in Spanish


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