translated from Spanish: Does current psychology help us?

In the current times we observe that so-called “mind sciences” in more than two thousand years have not been able to explain or account for the psychological processes that truly guide human development. If we don’t look at how mental health has been disfigured. The media, in different shades, alerts us to the increase in psychological conflicts in children, adolescents, adults, and the elderly. It is a terrain that undoubtedly belongs to the clinical field. But it’s worth looking at the story a little bit and also considering other knowledge of ignominious times that help a lot.
The study of what we might call the “annals of the human being”, concerns, intimate longings, desires, impulses, emotions, passions, hopes, hopelessness, fears, frustrations, envy, jealousy, etc. etc. since time immemorial have constituted a goal or goal to achieve, in different ways, a kind of “existential balance”. Ancient Egyptian priests were dedicated to this task when temples and shrines were created in kem’s sunny country to develop the “Osirian cult” (harmony of the Universe, fertility of the earth, eternal life) and their reflection within the Human Being seeking to transform the “Vulgar Being” into “Being Inner”. Similarly among the “Tibetan Mysteries” existed and today there is the theme inherent in the study of what Lamaism identifies as “psychological aggregates”, “red demons of Seth”, “capital sins”, alluding to those disorderly energies that inhabit the psycheism, determining undesirable, contradictory, arbitrary, nefarious and harmful behaviors for the very development of humanity. In both Lamaism and Buddhism, and also in Christianity we find ways to “annihilate” these inferior entities that damage the soul and spirit. Thus, C.G. Jung described them “acutely” from a “psychological beheading of egos.”
Greek Philosophy, sister of the Egyptian Philokalia (Love for the Beautiful), gave birth to the “science of the Soul or simply “psychology” (Greek: psyche and logos) or “treatise on the psyche and soul”. The Greek world took care to develop within the “mysteries of Eleusis and Dionysus teachings dedicated to scrutinizing the “dark areas” of human behavior by developing a didactic to make understanding the urgent need to eliminate, within each of them, the particular “Medusa”, the “Minotaur” or the poisonous “gorgons” that always seek to destabilize harmony, happiness, and inner beauty.
Mesoamerican peoples such as the Maya, Aztecs, Olmecas, and, in our Americas, Incas, Chibchas, Mapuches, Quechuas and many more. We were warned of the presence within the human being of countless and “varied visitors” causing moral, social and psychosomatic misfortunes. Let us remember the enemy Moon Goddess Coyolxauhqui (all evil) of Huitzilopochti (sun, light, divine wisdom, good, etc.). The first accompanied by the “four hundred Surians” or lawless, anarchic, violent creatures that we can study in the Aztec tradition. Without going any further in Hilarion’s “Eternal Harpas” on Mount Tebo (Paul of Tarsus himself or the Instructor of Humanity) teaches us to “expel the evil or the “wicked” to restore Peace and communion with the Divine.
Look at all these philosophical, psychological and theological concomitances we understand that the Human Being has had and has an eagerness to find our authentic roots, true identity, and values from the very “Aurora of Creation”. If both the “hard sciences” and “soft sciences”, within society and in academia, took into account the wisdom of the Ancient World, as well as the cosmogonies of the original peoples, we would live in our individual “psychological countries” with greater attention to the spiritual world, rather than the material world. As far as the planet is happening today, we must face a kind of “psychic cataclysm” from whose rubble emerges the “Heavenly Jerusalem”, “the Crystal Island”, “the Garden of the Espérides”, the “Champs-Elyses”. Do not continue to behave as individual beings mesmerized by our fantasies, dreaming of being lions or eagles when, in truth, what are we? Intellectual humanoids? Or simply, a “tri-brained bipedal” mistakenly called Man. Our essence will always be that “Lamp of Aladdin” that allows us to realize the wonder of life. You have to believe to be able to see, and, NOT the opposite.

The content poured into this opinion column is the sole responsibility of its author, and does not necessarily reflect the editorial line or position of El Mostrador.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Chile

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