translated from Spanish: The distribution of the 300,000 doses of the Sputnik V vaccine in the country was completed

On Monday, the 300,000 doses of the Sputnik V vaccine, which came to Argentina on Thursday, December 24, were distributed to 32 points across the country. The dose distribution was reportedly given as follows: Buenos Aires, 123,000 doses; Santa Fe 24.100; CABA, 23,100; Cordoba 21,900; Tucumán, 11,500; Mendoza, 11,000; Between Rivers, 10,100; Jump, 8,300; Chaco, 7,700; Currents, 6,700; Santiago del Estero, 5,900; Missions, 5,200; San Juan, 4,700; Jujuy, 4,600; Rio Negro, 4,400; Neuquén, 3,600; Formosa, 3,400; St. Louis, 3,300; Chubut, 3,000; Catamarca, 2,800; La Rioja, 2,600; Santa Cruz, 2,400; La Pampa, 2,300 and Tierra del Fuego, 1,300.The Minister of Health of the Ginés González García Nation detailed: “We made a really important operation, unpack (the vaccines), verify that they were perfect, that the temperature was conserved all the time and repack again with tons of dry ice; you worked day and night on several shifts and that caused trucks to start going out all over the country yesterday morning.”

For her part, Sabina Frederic, the holder of the Ministry of Security, commented that the four national security forces collaborated with the distribution of vaccines: the Airport Security Police (PSA), Gendarmería Nacional Argentina (GNA), Argentine Naval Prefecture (PNA) and the Argentine Federal Police (PFA). In turn, it should be remembered that, according to what the President of the Nation Alberto Fernández announced, on Tuesday, December 29, at 9 AM, “simultaneous vaccination will begin throughout the country”.

Original source in Spanish


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