translated from Spanish: Cristina and Massa received the report of the bicameral commission on the actions of the intelligence services

The Bicameral Commission for The Control of Agencies and Intelligence Activities carried out an act that will conclude with the delivery of the final report made to investigate the alleged assembly of an illegal structure to spy during the government of Mauricio Macri.The event was held in the upper house and was the first to be shared by Cristina Kirchner, in her capacity as President of the Senate and Sergio Massa, as President of Deputies. 

There, the head of the bicameral commission, Leopoldo Moreau, highlighted as the main point the passage of the Office of Listening of the Procuration to the Supreme Court, as a kick of irregularities in the agencies.” It is not known in comparative law that in the world a Supreme Court has the office of hearing interception, there is no precedent,” said Moreau, active in his role in controlling the intelligence services. 
The federal courts handle a number of cases investigating the use of an illegal system to conduct espionage during the government of Mauricio Macri. For this reason, the former AFI hierarchies Gustavo Arribas and Silvia Majdalani.Moreau further added that during the investigation, the commission attempted to find an act of the draw made to elect the first judge in charge – Martín Irurzun was elected – from the Court’s listening office (DAJUDECO) but it was not possible.

“For the election of those who were to conduct this new listening office, the UND established a draw between criminal judges to appoint their authorities. Our technicians required information about that draw but the record did not appear, it does not exist,” says @MoreauLeopoldo — Argentine Senate (@SenadoArgentina)
December 30, 2020

“Our technicians required information about that draw but the record didn’t show up, it doesn’t exist,” the radical MP said.

Original source in Spanish


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