translated from Spanish: Seven aspects to consider for tweeting around the country with permission

Despite the unsettling decision in the medical guild, given the rising cases presented by the pandemic, the Government yesterday announced the granting of a permit that will allow the country to be be tweeted between 4 January and 31 March.
The safe conduct is based on seven pillars. The first is that it must be processed by residents of communes that are in Transition, as is the case today with the Metropolitan Region, Antofagasta, Valparaiso, Viña del Mar and the Gran Concepción, among others.
This new permission must be requested online at the Virtual Police Station site and will be granted for a single time in the period. In the document they will have to specify the date of departure; and before I go back, the one back.
In addition, it will be enabled to go to a single destination, so travelers will not be allowed to travel to other places, even if they are nearby.
The communes to be visited cannot be quarantined and every traveler must take out the same Health Passport that authorizes interregional travel, and which is available in, where the Unique Key is required.
The Minister of Health, Enrique Paris, acknowledged that this new permit is not based on epidemiological criteria, but on people’s mental health. “People have the right to go on vacation, they have the right to go to regions to see their family, they have the right to have a few days of freedom because we have been subjected to a lot of stress,” he said. “We’re watching (…) because of the possibility of being distracted outside a 40 square meter apartment,” he added.
The president of the Tourism Federation (Fedetur), Ricardo Margulis, applauded the measure, as he stated that he “delivers certainty in a context of high uncertainty” and allows families to plan and companies and destinations “prepare to receive visitors”.
“As we have said, to stand we need to work, and this announcement contributes in that regard,” the leader added.

Original source in Spanish


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