translated from Spanish: Today the first round of the University Transition Test is performed

This Monday, January 4 and Tuesday, January 5, the first round of the University Transition Test (PTU) is given, which for the first time will be given on two dates, due to the covid pandemic affecting the country.
The second round of test surrender will be on Thursday 7 and Friday 8 December.
In total, about 268,000 students will take the higher education admission test. 
For the occasion, a number of sanitary measures and protocols have been provided, including the sanitization, cleaning and disinfection of premises, as well as the availability of alcohol gel and rooms with natural ventilation.
Students must carry their ID card and ID card, which in quarantined communes, will serve as safe conduct to take the exam.
Students who will take the test should also attend the premises with graphite pencil and eraser, a mask and a replacement mask, and will be allowed to use alcohol gel.
For students who are complying with mandatory quarantine during this week or are affected by covid, a date will be scheduled and released by the authorities.

Original source in Spanish


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