translated from Spanish: Give tips for coexistence between people and pets

In one of the hottest summers of recent years, with pandemic restrictions and the respective quarantine, the departure to the park with pets is a precious time of day. But certain things must be taken into account in order to achieve a healthy coexistence between animals and people.
“The main thing is to respect the rules of Responsible Pet Tenure. Thus, dogs that have a guardian or owner must always be on a leash and under supervision. It shouldn’t happen for a dog to approach an unknown person and their guardian is looking at the cell phone, for example. No interactions should ever occur without supervision,” warned the academic of Veterinary Medicine at the Universidad San Sebastián, Pablo Gómez.
To people who like to interact with unknown animals, Gomez suggested doing so “offering the hands so that the puppy can approach one and never caress him above or on the back because it can be violent to them. After offering the hands, in case the dog takes the initiative, you can be affectionate by the chin and cheeks, which is the friendlier to them.”
The expert also stressed that “something super important is asking pet guardians what character your pet has. No one, a specialist or a veterinarian should take an active interaction about a puppy he does not know if he is not respectful.”

Original source in Spanish


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