translated from Spanish: Achieve Morelia hospital occupation COVID-19 of 96%

home Bless you Achieve Morelia hospital occupation COVID-19 of 96%

Morelia, Michoacán.- The Michoacán Ministry of Health (SSM) reports that hospital care for COVID-19 patients in Morelia reached 96 percent.
Beds converted for patients with Severe Acute Respiratory Infections (IRAG), SSM, IMSS and ISSSTE are at 100%, while in the private sector, 85 per cent are registered.
Therefore, the population is encouraged to call 9-1-1 or 800 123 2890 to coordinate patient care through the Medical Emergency Regulatory Center (CRUM).
The health authority calls on the population to stay home, leave alone if necessary and take preventive measures such as the use of mouth coverings, maintaining healthy distance, as well as constant hand washing or disinfection.
With 8,000,681 confirmed cases, 552 assets, 49 new ones just this Wednesday, and 698 deaths, Morelia is the only one in the 113 Michoacan municipalities on red flag for having a maximum risk of contagion due to sustained virus dispersal.
Since it is the human being who transports and disseminates the disease, minimizing interaction is the only way to slow the uninterrupted rise in case incidence.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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