translated from Spanish: Bellolio places the president of the College of Teachers: “He refuses things instead of proposing”

The spokesman of Government, Jaime Bellolio, again criticized the position of the president of the College of Teachers, Carlos Díaz, in the face of a return to classes. The Secretary of State was consulted on the controversial sayings of the Minister of Economy, Lucas Palacios, who stated that “it draws so much attention that one sees that the College of Teachers is all he seeks are arguments not to work.” Particularly in 2020, thousands of teachers burned their lashes adapting classes in person through digital, telematics (…) there is a huge recognition on the part of society of what this difficulty of teachers and teachers meant,” Bellolio said of the measures of the teachers to Central Mesa de Canal 13. He added that “what Minister Palacios meant – we closed that controversy – concerned criticism from the president of the College of Teachers, which unfortunately we have seen that, in general, he has become someone who refuses things rather than proposing which ones can benefit students and school communities.” We don’t want to turn this into a kind of political ‘gallito’, that if students don’t go to classes they win some and if they don’t go to classes they win others,” he added. In that regard, he noted that content that could not be edes covered at all by 2020 should be recovered.” The question is when we can come back in person definitively, more regularly, and obviously it’s not March 1, that’s clear. It has to be the parents and guardians who define that and neither the College of Teachers nor the Government,” he added.

Original source in Spanish


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