translated from Spanish: City in Germany banned a cat from being a candidate because it’s not 18 years old

home Strange World City in Germany banned a cat from being a candidate because it’s not 18 years old

Photograph/Jens B’ttner/dpa
Germany. – The German city of Demmin did not allow a cat to be a candidate for mayorality. The mascot, named Quarky, was nomineed by its owner, Torsten Lohr, for the next election, which will be held on April 25.
Although, the municipal authorities have already announced that the cat will not be able to participate. “Because it doesn’t meet eligibility requirements,” current Mayor Michael Koch explained to the DPA agency, with information from Bild newspaper.
According to the municipal, the documentation submitted by Lohr lacked the handwritten signature of the applicant, that is, Quarky. In addition, the animal has not yet turned 18, one of the requirements necessary to be mayor. Since the cat is only six years old.
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But Lohr won’t give up. “If my application is not approved, I will sue them,” he says, “Quarky should encourage people to think and have an opinion.” For the owner, there is a lack of political participation and exchange in the city, Demmin.
Among the campaigns Quarky promises is to incite animal welfare and limit car traffic in the city.
Source Nation.

Original source in Spanish


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