translated from Spanish: Mara Wilson, matilda’s protagonist: “I was sexualized when I was a child”

Source of the image, Getty Images/ “My sexual harassment was always at the hands of the media and the public,” Wilson wrote.

“I felt ashamed”

As Wilson says New York Times,she decided not to follow in the path of teenage actresses appearing on men’s magazine covers or in provocative music videos. “Anyway, I’d already been sexualized and hated it,” he says.

She explains that in her films, as a child, “she never appeared in anything more revealing than a knee-high summer dress.”

“All this was intentional: my parents thought I’d be safer that way.. But it didn’t work. People have been asking me ‘Do you have a boyfriend?’ in interviews since I was 6. Reporters asked me who thought he was the sexiest actor and about Hugh Grant’s arrest for soliciting a prostitute.”

“It was nice when 10-year-olds sent me letters saying they were in love with me. It wasn’t when 50-year-old men did it. Even before I turned 12, there were images of me on foot fetish websites and I had been included with Photoshop in child pornography. All those times, I was embarrassed,” writes the former child star.

“Hollywood has decided to address harassment in the industry, but I was never sexually harassed on a film set. My sexual harassment was always at the hands of the media and the public.”

“A lot of moments in Spears’ life were familiar to me,” Wilson writes. “We both had dolls made with us, we had close friends and boyfriends who shared our secrets, and adult men commenting About our bodies“.

The documentary “Framing Britney Spears” has sparked a wave of criticism about the singer’s treatment throughout her career and made her ex-boyfriend Justin Timberlake and some media apologize.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Chile

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