translated from Spanish: U.S. approved first single-dose coronavirus vaccine

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the use of the Johnson & Johnson pharmaceutical vaccine which, unlike the others already approved, requires a single dose to immunize. It is the third vaccine – along with Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna vaccine – to begin in the United States, the country hardest hit by the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19), with more than 500,000 deaths.

The Food and Drug Administration has issued an emergency use authorization for a third safe and effective vaccine to help us defeat the COVID-19 pandemic: the Johnson & Johnson vaccine — putting us one step closer to overcoming the virus and getting back to our loved ones. — White House COVID-19 Response Team (@WHCOVIDResponse)
February 27, 2021

According to the FDA, the new vaccine is very effective at preventing severe cases of COVID-19, even against new variants. At least three million doses of the vaccine are ready for distribution next week, reported from the U.S. government. In addition, it can be stored at normal refrigerator temperatures rather than freezers, making logistics easier. The United States agreed with Johnson & Johnson to purchase 100 million doses of the vaccine by the end of June. With this batch, in addition to the 600 million doses ordered to Pfizer and Moderna, the US power will have enough vaccines by the end of July to immunize almost the entire population.

Original source in Spanish


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