translated from Spanish: Lali & Fito Paez present “People on the streets”

Fito Paez and Lali star in the new video of their celebrated collaboration, “People on the Street”. This song thus becomes the fourth single from Fito’s award-winning last album, “The Conquest of Space”, which almost a year after its release follows its path of hits.As its author rightly says, “People on the Street” is “a sad song with friendly music”, with the artistic flight printed by Paez, speaking of a harsh reality. In addition to the song, the artists met in Buenos Aires for the realization of the video that accompanies the song. 

Fito Paez & Lali | Photo: Press

It was directed by Alejandro Ros (also in charge of art) and Guido Adler (responsible in addition to photography), ingeniously recreate in the interior space of that film set a street and its visual stimuli, using images on large screens on which Lali and Fito interact. For his part Fito said of the artistic process: “I had certain dreams as a fan of music. this was one. It sounds romantic, but it is.” Lali did not fall behind and added, taking up the musician’s words: “It is romantic to be with Fito singing this song and what he says is not a minor detail. It goes through Fito’s generation, mine and the younger generation too: how we get blind to the people on the street.” Finally, he said, “Making a song with Fito, with this vibe, like a hug for people on the street, for me it’s an honor.” Watch the video here

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Original source in Spanish


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