translated from Spanish: Un marched, commemorates Assembly 8M Women’s Day in Morelia

Morelia, Michoacán.- Out of empathy and respect for women who have died or who have lost loved ones by COVID-19, members of the Michoacán Women Assembly decided not to convene this Women’s Day.

Instead, they concentrated on the fountain of Las Tarascas in Morelia, where they performed a rally in which, in addition to making some pints on the streets and sidewalks, they “sembed an antimonumenta” in the gardens of the fountain.

In interview, one of the representatives of the feminist collective stated that this year, the 8M is a different celebration, in which more than making agglomerations, they sought to pay homage.

“That is why we called for a manifest, but keeping our distance and for everyone in their own way, with blankets, banners or pints, to manifest themselves.”

Members of the Michoacán Women Assembly demonstrated and highlighted the realization of international unemployment for women, which denounces the inequality and absence of public policies affecting women in a differentiated way in the face of the Covid 19 pandemic, with increased exposure to domestic violence, increased risk of job loss and reduced income , the re-education of efforts and initiatives that safeguard women’s human rights, the invisibilization of women’s unpaid domestic work, and less access to labour rights.
In the background, members of the Collective of Mothers and Fathers in Custody settled in front of the Government Palace, in the center of Morelia, to demand that the legal processes that keep them away from their children be streamlined.
In the afternoon, a march called by another collective is expected to depart from Las Tarascas to the Government Palace.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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