translated from Spanish: Eduardo Fuentes by stir after interview with former frentista: “We do not romanticize anything or defend positions”

Controversy and various reactions generated the interview with Mauricio Hernández Norambuena, known as “Commander Ramiro”. The former frentist spoke with Eduardo Fuentes, and his sayings were criticized, especially from officialism. After the upheaval, the same journalist from La Red addressed the questions.” We’re closing a very intense program. Clearly this will continue to have repercussions over the next few days. Here, a lot of people in the political sphere are also starting to bring water to their mill, with untimely statements,” he began. In doing so, he insisted that “we do not promote violence as a program or as a channel. We are interested in hearing the protagonists of the story, we do not romanticize anything or defend positions. We are interested in listening to those who have been there, at times that will remain forever in the records and know their perspective on what moved them in that instant. You will decide whether or not to agree with these motivations.” The journalist also spoke directly to viewers. “You are adults. We here, in this program, if something has characterized us from day one, for 11 years, is that we treat you as an adult, we do not tell you what you have to think; you have the freedom to think however you want. I insist on this point: people from all walks of politics have passed on this stage.” And with it, he closed appealing to the freedom of expression of journalism. “Everyone fits here; that’s what moves us. I would just like to point out that the journalistic exercise is an exercise in freedom of expression. Any attempt at cancellation is synonymous with a totalirary attitude that we do not like, that we do not like and, above all, does not help. How long are we going to want to cover the sun with a finger? Let’s sit down, talk and talk civilly.”

Original source in Spanish


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