translated from Spanish: Stasasa calls on government 10% pay rise

Guamúchil, Sinaloa.- Yuriria Zepeda Corrales, leader of Stasasa, reported that he is in negotiation with the municipal government of Salvador Alvarado in turn presided over by Pier Angely Camacho de Ortiz, to achieve a 10 percent pay increase for unionized, active, retired or pensioned workers, as well as a series of petitions they made within the collective employment contract.  He commented that, so far, they had had two rapprochements and were still waiting for negotiations to reach a good deal.  
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He detailed that what they are applying for are the “five-year” labor seniority stimuli, an increase in the payment of life insurance, that the City Council absorbs 70 percent with pensioners, an increase in the scholarship of unionized children and a pension with a minimum wage, in case a worker dies, the family would have left.
“It’s true that at the beginning of the year we received 7 percent of the minimum wage, but that’s an outstanding one left last year, where we accepted 1 percent, which doesn’t really represent anything,” he said.  He noted that they were aware of the situation, but also recalled that the costs of the basic basket, in the current situation, were too high. Read more: Call open for Canaco board change in Salvador Alvarado

Millonaria spills in supports in Sinaloa

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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