translated from Spanish: Conventional Constituents and their personal image

The Constituent Conventional Electoral Strip has begun where many are played a lot in a few seconds.
But understanding that not everything is played in the TV strip and a lot at the door-to-door and in other ways of bonding with their voters (we cannot ignore that resources are important), I want to remind independent or party-supported candidates, which is essential in political marketing, punctually in the management of the “personal brand” , so that they can evaluate their actions by April 8.
Starting, there are three big topics to look at: your audiences, knowing what you want to hear, knowing your insights; then analyze the competitors to know their stories and see where they have a territory of opportunity to differentiate therself. And third, they must be clear about their DNA, the “who are you.”
Regarding the latter, like that of a company, the “brand” of people is built from Reputation + Identity. The first thing has to do with the promise made, and if that said matches what I did or said. If I keep my promise, my Reputation stays or goes up. For its part, Identity has to do with verbal expression, how you show yourself from personality, how you relate to people and what you make them feel, and even how you dress or comb. If you’re a doctor, “use the apron… that sells in Chile,” some politicians said.
People vote for people and not for their political programs. How many read a program from a politician they voted for? Hardly anyone. Someone is wanted to connect with me, represent my values. Donald Trump, like it or not, had a particular style from a communication point of view, conveyed messages that might sound awful, but were simple to understand. The simplicity and simplicity of the message is key in a society that does not have time for depths, or does not give time for it.
Simplicity. Simplicity of messages. I take up the DNA thing: you have to be true to yourself, not appear to be something different. At this point, people often get a disappointment and reputation falls. Then you have to be super consistent and clear in the story and message, not say later “I said this in the private sphere and not as a political candidate.” Don’t get caught in the context. You’re still the same person in the house, with friends, or in a political speech. From now on you are no longer Juan Pérez, but candidate Juan Pérez. That mistake of dividing the waters, we’ve seen it multiple times in Chile.
Having a DNA with a known address doesn’t mean you can’t change your mind. A lot of experienced politicians do it, and it’s only natural that they do. Bad that wrong, everything changes…  environment or context, consumers (voters) and their preferences throughout life. As a politician, we must adapt to these changes, just as brands do. But there are a handful of essential things, roots, that should always be maintained in each person. Let the voter know that the wind can move its branches, but not the trunk.
The content poured into this opinion column is the sole responsibility of its author, and does not necessarily reflect the editorial line or position of El Mostrador.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Chile

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