translated from Spanish: DC President for government-announced social aid: “People don’t even trust that they will be able to access them”

“They sound good, but when they have to be implemented, it turns out that they are full of conditions, requirements and small letters,” said Christian Democracy (DC) President Fuad Chahín, analyzing the economic announcements made by President Sebastián Piñera on Monday night. Faced with the rise of the pandemic and the increase in contagion in the country, the representative detailed a number of aids for families who have lost their incomes. This, in addition to the new quarantines. For Chahín, the measurements of The Coin must still be looked at in detail. “People don’t even trust that they’re going to be able to access them, (…) some of them still don’t even get to those who were supposedly beneficiaries. I think we need to see the detail of each of these measures (…) I see it quite skepticism,” he said in T13. And despite this, the helmsman insisted that “a universal basic emergency income should be eligible to reach everyone.” We believe that our natural resources, copper, must contribute to saving the families and small businesses of the country. (…) We have to break the barrier of the possible,” he replied, alluding to the support of the mining royalty project on Tuesday.

Original source in Spanish


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