translated from Spanish: From the Venezuelan opposition they regret Argentina’s departure from the Lima Group

On the day of the date, Argentina withdrew from the Lima Group, a group created in 2017 where 14 countries have their representative and the clear objective is to find a peaceful exit from the Venezuelan crisis.During the morning, the Argentine chancellery made a statement confirming its departure along with the following statement:
“On the other hand, the participation of one sector of the Venezuelan opposition as one more member of the Lima Group has led to the adoption of positions that our Government has not been able or able to accompany.”

Because of this statement and statements, Elisa Trotta went out to give her point of view via Twitter:

We regret the Argentine Government’s decision to leave the Lima Group, which since 2017 has been instrumental in denouncing serious violations of DD.HH. in Venezuela, and to work on the only real solution, which is to restore democracy in our country. — Elisa Trotta Gamus (@EliTrotta)
March 24, 2021

In addition, the Venezuelan ambassador made clear her position in the face of President Alberto Fernandez’s sayings:
“If progress has not been made, it is because those who have weapons like this have decided.”

Then he closed his speech on the social network declaring: “We continue to bet on the joint work of all sister nations to achieve the solution in our country, including Argentina that has historically been an ally of Venezuela and the democratic cause. The Venezuelan people need and deserve justice and freedom.”

Original source in Spanish


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