translated from Spanish: They dictate verdict for tempted fire and simple damage at La Granja station

The Sixth Court of Oral Trial in the Criminal Court of Santiago issued a conviction against Omar Enrique Jerez Meza, as the author of the tented crime of fire; and Jeremy Alex Ramírez Bravo, as the author of the consummated crime of simple, illicit damages perpetrated in October 2019, inside the station La Granja de la Línea 4A of the Metro.In unanimous resolution, the court – composed of Judges Renato Pinilla Garrido (president), Marcia Fuentes Castro (editor) and Karen Garrido Saldías – after the deliberation of rigor and weighting of the evidence , further decreed the acquittal of Jerez Meza to the charge against him which sindicated him as the author of the consummated crime of damages; and Ramirez Bravo, of the consummated crime of fire, by not achieving the accusing party accredited the participation of the accused in such events. In the case, the court accepted the aggravation of Article 12 No. 10 of the Penal Code; that is, “committing the crime in the occasion of fire, shipwreck, sedition, tumult or popular shock or other calamity or misfortune, alleged in the indictment, in respect of the fire and damage crimes for which the accused have been convicted”. The court came to the conviction, “weighing the evidence in the development of this oral trial”, which around 23.30 hours on October 18, 2019, “Omar Enrique Jerez Meza entered the Metropolitan Railway Station of Santiago belonging to the passenger transport company ‘Metro Sociedad Anónima’, named ‘La Granja’, located at the intersection of Avenida Américo Vespucio Sur and Avenida Coronel de la Comuna de La Granja , where he took a chair and threw it on the platform, and then repeatedly waved a pedestal or sign without taking it out of place. Subsequently, in the office for administration, similar in structure to the ticket office or BIP card refill office, he lit a flammable object and threw it into that unit, for the purpose of generating a fire, which he did not achieve.” Meanwhile, in relation to Ramírez Bravo, the court found that under similar conditions, day and time, it entered the station alongside a group of unidentified subjects, “causing destruction and dismantling at that station. For its part, Ramírez Bravo, broke the glass of the office or prepaid card loading center of the transport name ‘BIP’, a dependency in which unidentified third parties caused a fire that was in development at the time”. The sentencing communication hearing – to be drafted by Judge Fuentes Castro – was scheduled for 3 a.m. on Tuesday, April 6.

Original source in Spanish


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