translated from Spanish: The Power Minute 29032021

Fasten your seat belts for a turbulent week! The Government will present a project to postpone the April elections for one month, amid a non-truce pandemic. 83% of GDP will be affected by quarantines from tomorrow, but experts predict the impact will be less than in 2020. Last Monday in March and uncertainty again takes the agenda. Luckily and for your peace of mind, Ivan Weissman presents a new edition of El Semanal.
China becomes present in Antarctica
Shortly after the end of the first quarter of 2021, we see an reaffirm to the irreplaceable value of generating spaces for much more active diplomacy, in order to address the many exceptional challenges of the global agenda, with actors such as the United States, the European Union, the Russian Federation, India, Japan and, by the way, the People’s Republic of China , occupying fronts both for the effects of the pandemic on their economies, as well as on a strategic reordering that is denoted in land, sea, air, space, technological, communication developments, in the financial sector and also in polar areas, with Antarctica being at the forefront and center. About the Asian giant on the icy continent write Mario Ignacio Artaza and Giovannina Sutherland in today’s featured opinion.
Water, a resource only for some
One week after World Water Day, we cannot fail to make visible the reality of the rural world, which may be hidden from many. In Chile, 47% of the population living outside the cities, or more than one million people, relies on rivers, wells and cistern trucks to supply water to their families. These Chileans are suffering every day the difficult circumstances of living without this vital resource, with all that this means in terms of hygiene, health, gender equity and economics. These families need water today, so we must prioritize this issue as a country. Jorge Matte reviews at El Mostrador Mercados.
Concern about the Suez Canal
The container ship that is stranded blocking the Suez Canal threatens to further hamper the task of European and US retailers in keeping products in stock, something that has been hit during the coronavirus pandemic. The losses are not minor and here we tell you the un edited details.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Chile

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