translated from Spanish: [FOTOS] Ivan Nunez after events in Tirúa: “We were victims of a terrorist attack”

Through his official Instagram account, journalist Iván Nuñez referred to the attack they suffered with a TVN team in Tirúa, where a cameraman lost sight of his right eye after what happened. Through the social network, the communicator published images of bullet casings, how the van was left after the attack and a photo of his partner Esteban Sánchez.Nuñez told that “a few hours have passed from the attack we suffered with my partner Esteban Sánchez… I still can’t get out of my mind his cries of pain, the noise of gunfire, the profuse bleeding from his multiple wounds, my pain from the gunshot wound to the arm, the van crashing from side to side because we had burst our tires, anyway, the uncertainty of whether we would get out alive.” I regret and regret for life that he has received the brunt. I would have gladly put it in place. Many and many of you don’t know him and don’t know the value he has, his talent, creativity and the eternal desire to do quality journalism,” he added. In that regard, the journalist stated that “indeed, he added, we were the victims of a terrorist attack. This is not common crime. There was no attempted robbery or anything like that. We were shot to kill. In my hand I have the 9 mm bullet he gave me in my arm. Esteban got five of those. He’s miraculously alive, because he’s a fighter, but also for the help of that anonymous couple who put us in his car and took us to Cañete and for the efforts of the health workers who treated him urgently. I appreciate and appreciate TVN’s decision to reaffirm its lifetime bond with him. In truth, the one who wins is the channel: he secures his talent for the next few years.” Journalism sometimes requires us to take risks. The answer to this cowardly attack cannot be to fold us up and stop reporting. No one can be imposed on going to difficult areas. I’ll keep going. You, our audience, deserve to know first-hand what is happening in our country and also abroad. That’s why we have to go, we have to report, we have to validate the essentials of journalism for democracy,” he said.

Original source in Spanish


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