translated from Spanish: Piñera dismisses threat of constitutional indictment launched by DEPUTY Marcelo Díaz for “disastrous and reckless” handling of the pandemic

“My concern as President of all Chileans is to take care of their health, take care of their lives and protect their family, their income, their jobs and quality of life. Nothing and no one is going to divert us from that purpose.” With these words, Sebastián Piñera responded to the deputy Marcelo Díaz (UNIR Movement), who called on the opposition to assess a constitutional accusation against him for the management of the pandemic.
Piñera was consulted during the announcement of the Agreement with CanSino for 1.8 million doses of the new Covid-19 vaccine.
At the time, the President again defended the measures taken by the Government to control the pandemic, noting that “Chileans also know that from day one we have done everything in our power to protect people’s health and lives, and also to help, accompany, bring relief to families in need.”
In that line, he recalled that “we reached an agreement last year with almost every political party to create a Covid fund in which we put $12 billion, a very large amount of resources and today we meet with the economists with whom we agreed that fund, and at that time with political parties, and since the pandemic has spread and has been more extensive than many thought , we’ve added an additional $6 billion.”
“We are reaching 14 million Chileans and the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, the Ecpal say that our program is one of the most robust, large and intense in the emerging world and therefore I want to keep what is important,” he said.
Earlier, Mr. Marcelo Díaz (Unir) said on Tuesday that he believes that the opposition should consider constitutionally accusing President Sebastián Piñera of the management of the pandemic, who “certainly has a primary responsibility in this reality that affects Chile so seriously”.
The MP noted that “the government’s handling of the pandemic has been disastrous and even reckless,” adding that “the deep health, social and economic crisis we face is neither an accident nor a fortuitous event. There is no responsibility, no doubt, for the way the country has conducted in the face of the pandemic.”
In addition, the legislator acknowledged that “I have known that both in the public and private sectors there have been instructions not to revive patients with low life expectancies who are transferred to care facilities to avoid further collapse of hospitals.”
In addition, he questioned the Government’s economic plan, noting that “the emergency postnatal has not been extended, there is no universal emergency income and all aid is filled with so many filters causing deep frustration in thousands of Chileans who have received nothing.”

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Chile

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