translated from Spanish: ICovid: Most populous regions of the country have ICU occupancy level above 95%

The ICovid report by the universities of Chile, Catholic and De Concepción, based on public data from the ministries of Science and Health, warned in the pre-Easter, that as a product of the effects of the pandemic, the hospital system will not withstand a long weekend with high mobility.
The report indicated that hospital occupation has “critical levels”, which remains at 95% and six regions with figures higher than that percentage, including the most populous in the country: Tarapacá, Coquimbo, Valparaíso, Metropolitana, Biobío and La Araucanía. Only Aysén and Magellan, the report said, have adequate levels of occupation.
ICovid also noticed a recent drop in the number of ICU beds occupied by patients over the age of 70, a fact that did not derail, could be the effect of mass vaccination.
On the positivity indicator, which the report was 10% (yesterday was 11.3% according to the ministerial balance sheet), it was indicated that it shows a steady increase since the end of January. “This tells us that the tests remain insufficient for the amount of contagion we observe at the national level.”
In his general commentary, the report said that the “hospital system does not withstand a long weekend with high mobility.”

Original source in Spanish


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