translated from Spanish: Deputy Crispi (RD): “Minister Paris must recognize that his risky communication has been disastrous”

Mr Miguel Crispi (RD), chairman of the House Health Committee, called on Minister Enrique Paris to put aside his denier attitude and focus on the only objective we care about today: to contain the spread of the COVID-19 virus and to prevent the complete collapse of the Health Network.
The parliamentarian’s sayings come after the Minister of State used the space of the televised report again this Saturday to comment on columns, respond to criticism and relativize the situation we are living in, ensuring that “there is no uncontrollability” of the situation.
“Minister Paris must recognize that the risk communication associated with the pandemic has been disastrous, delivering winning messages to the population, and leading us to a new uncontrolled virus with more than 8000 new cases and almost no ICU beds. His focus should be on improving that, occupying periodic reports to speak to the country, not to continue to polemize. It seems that the minister does not understand what his role is,” said the Democratic Revolution PARLIAMENTarian.
Crispi recalled that in its last minute “the Advisory Council called for inspiring and convening leadership towards other social actors and all citizens. But unfortunately, Minister Paris continues to take criticism personally, infantilizing the debate.”

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Chile

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