translated from Spanish: Diego Poggi resigned from TN and El Trece

After several years of being one of the figures of the Clarín Group, the young journalist decided to leave his working relationship with the environment. The news was confirmed by Poggi himself who uploaded to his Instagram stories an image of the studio Artear and the legend: “The last one”.

According to PrimiciasYa the reason for the resignation would be an alleged disagreement between the 33-year-old journalist and Ricardo “Rapa” Ravanelli, the News Manager of Artear.

As transcended, the network specialist would have suggested to the manager to carry out a digital segment on the morning news and on the channel’s networks but, without having a positive response, submitted his resignation last Thursday. Recently, before his resignation, Poggi had issued a provocative comment on the air when he filed a news story about a man who quit his job because of a conflict with his employer: “I hope the same thing doesn’t happen to me,” he said hairlessly on his tongue.
Through the all-news and Canal Trece screen, the young journalist managed to position during the five years that his messages were part of the screen and become a trend on more than one occasion thanks to his strong political opinions and reflections on the country’s current affairs. Just a few hours ago, the current Radio Berlin journalist published on his networks the meme of a puppy surrounded by plants and the message “This is fine” next to a heart.

Original source in Spanish


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