translated from Spanish: Find out how to put music into your WhatsApp states

One of the most expected updates by WhatsApp users has been being able to rhythm their states through songs of their choice, just as happens on social networks like Facebook or Instagram. Unlike Instagram and Facebook, WhatsApp does not allow you to put GIFS, nor stikers with movement to states, unless the file has already been included; However, it is possible to play them music. 
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There are two ways to make stories with background music on WhatsApp. Right away, we explain in detail how to do it step by step, so you can choose which one best suits your needs. Read more: Trainer shows why you should not believe everything you see on social networks As is known, this instant messaging application, does not have a function to put music directly, as is the case of Instagram, which is linked to Spotify, but it is possible to do so from the app without having to download or use other applications. 

The first thing you’ll need to do is choose the song you want to put in your state, and then play it from your preferred streaming service that allows you to use it in the background. Choose the “My Status” option, and once the camera is opened, select an image from your gallery; press the circle at the bottom of the screen. Choose the background that will appear in your state, it can be any image that is of your choice, such as some landscape or a flat surface. When the snippet of the song you want to use approaches, start recording without moving the background camera, try to make the recording a quality. Now, play the recording and cut it out if you deem it necessary, and you’re done, you’ll be able to publish your status with music. It should be noted that, the recording can last up to 30 seconds, equivalent to twice the time allowed on the Instagram social network. Read more: Help realize the dream of being youtuber to a child with a terminal illness Now that if you want to share an image with music and not a video, there are different alternatives that will help you put music to your states in a very similar way to Instagram. What you need to do is open your phone store, and search for “WhatsApp states with music”, which will show you different options. Once you have selected the application that convinces you the most, follow the steps that are requested there; Select a photo, search for a song within the catalog and adjust the snippet of the song you want to add, as well as its duration, save and share from WhatsApp.

Cycling infrastructure cause pedestrians to stumble in the street

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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