translated from Spanish: Everything comes back: Daniela Christiansson took revenge on Maxi Lopez

Last week, Maxi Lopez made a heavy joke on his girlfriend, Daniela Christiansson, by wetting her face with water and breaking an egg on her head. And the reviews rained him on social media. But as the saying goes, revenge is a cold-eating dish, the model took her time and thought about the best way to return the bad drink to her partner.
It was just the day of the athlete’s birthday that, when he woke up, he encountered a follow-up of events that the blonde prepared for him and shared on his social networks. The expected moment came when Maxi set out to eat a mini cake baked by Daniela in the shape of a heart, while she recorded it to see the reaction. By cutting a piece of the cake and taking it to his mouth, Lopez spat out the contents and ran for a bottle of water in the face of the laughter of his girlfriend who enjoyed the honeys of revenge. However the thing did not stay there because after drinking some water, Daniela offered him another bottle, with the premise that it was cooler, to which Maxi distrusted agreed and fell back into the trap as the contents were full of salt. To top off the celebration, he gently returned her and broke an egg on her head in the face of Lopez’s laughter.
The video was settled on Daniela’s account with the title: “Revenge” and as if it were a short film at the end, let us see the preparation of the staging where we see that the cake gets pepper, and the water comes out.The nets applauded it!

Original source in Spanish


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