translated from Spanish: The other side of the pandemic

One year after COVID19 arrived in the national territory and in the midst of the “Yo me Vacuno” campaign to achieve immunization of 80% of the national population, we continue to face the consequences of the virus: havoc on the physical health of the infected, exhaustion of health personnel, high occupancy of critical beds and deterioration of the mental health of Chileans. 
With weak traceability, today’s health strategy is focused on restricting individual freedoms and confinement measures, while alarming us about the virus’s high level of positivity at the national level and increased decesses. In the midst of this scenario, it is already possible to show other unvisitable sequelae affecting in particular people with chronic diseases and specific age groups such as children, adolescents and older adults of vulnerable socioeconomic strata. 
They have fewer opportunities for access to information, connectivity, digitization, timely health care, education, and fewer resources to adapt to today’s plight. 
In the case of people with chronic pathologies they have difficulty accessing medical checks and their examinations are not in force, being known if the disease is controlled, situation that increases the likelihood of other systemic complications. 
Children and adolescents have been disrupted by poor growth monitoring that timely researches alterations that can cause long-term complications. Meanwhile, older adults have seen increased degenerative diseases and dementia, and their functionality is compromised due to lack of physical activity, and poor social and family contact has contributed to the increase in pathological aging.
The pandemic does not end with the reduction of contagion or immunization of the population, it is time for the authorities to develop public programs and policies aimed at improving social security, health and education, which improve the deteriorating quality of life of the most dispossessed. 
The content poured into this opinion column is the sole responsibility of its author, and does not necessarily reflect the editorial line or position of El Mostrador.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Chile

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