translated from Spanish: Civil Engineering is UAdeO’s new educational offering

Guamúchil, Sinaloa.- The Autonomous University of the West (UAdeO) Guamúchil Campus is offering as a new educational model the career of Civil Engineering, which strengthens it as an educational institution that each year adds more students. María Trinidad López Lara reported that this new educational offer adds up to 10 careers, which in addition to the aforementioned, are: Psychology, Communication Sciences, Gastronomy, Marketing, Business Administration, Nursing, Nutrition, Software Engineering and Architecture.  
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The director of the Autonomous University of the West commented that the registration of students began on March 1 and ends on May 25, so she invited alvaradian youth to enroll in that university, which scholarships the excellence of students with grades of 9, in addition to being able to study with many benefits.

The admissions exam will then be conducted next June, while the results will be published until July. However, prior to returning to school on August 23, new-entry students will receive an induction course. It should be noted that health authorities are discussing a possible return to the classroom, which is why training was carried out with the educational staff weeks ago, so that they have the necessary tools to best serve the students and that the situation is controlled. Read more: Salvador Alvarado’s DIF invites you to donate hair for oncology wigs

Rocha Moya calls journalist “defender of the old regime”

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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