translated from Spanish: Officialize the extension of Repro II to sectors most affected by the pandemic

The Government formalized changes to the Repro II programme to increase the support received by sectors most affected by new traffic restrictions, schedules and operating conditions. The measure was confirmed through Resolution 198/2021, published on Monday in the Official Gazette.With the signature of the Minister of Labour, Employment and Social Security, Claudio Moroni, it was established that, for salaries for April, the amount to be covered by the State in the case of employers belonging to the items considered critical will be $18,000 per worker or 83 percent of his salary, should he collect less. This means an increase of 6 thousand pesos from the 12 thousand it granted so far.

For the rest of the months, in principle, attendance for “Non-Critical Affected” activities will be $9,000 per employee; $12,000, and for the “Health” system of $18,000 per month. In this way, Repro II remains “an individual and fixed monetary sum to be paid to workers, in view of the payment of remuneration by employers and employers attached to the Programme”. The sums will be credited directly to each employee’s account, for which the employer must pass the selection stage and inform the CBU of its workers. The program must be renewed month by month.
In its recitals, the Government recognizes that the new measures that began to govern on Friday “have an impact on various economic activities, especially those considered critical since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic” and that “it is relevant to make changes and adaptations to the REPRO II Programme”, which, he clarifies, are “transient”, in support of the activities most affected.

On the preselection criteria, such as the employer’s membership in the private sector (employers or employers receiving Public Sector subsidies will not be able to access, with sectoral exceptions defined by the ATP), main activity and evolution of turnover (relative to 2019, since if the basis for comparison was 2020, virtually no one could claim the aid), differences were included between the Health sector on one side and the “non-critical” and “critical” sectors on the other. For access to the program, a “Selection Committee” will evaluate “a set of economic, financial and labour indicators” for the last 3 months prior to enrollment in the plan and for the same months of the previous comparison period. The Committee shall assess the variation in turnover, VAT purchases, indebtedness, liquidity, energy and gas consumption, the relationship between labour cost and invoicing and imports.
In this note:

Original source in Spanish


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