translated from Spanish: Edomex enlists return to safe classes

State of Mexico.- The governor of the State of Mexico, Alfredo Del Mazo Maza, announced that work is under way to have a return to face-to-face classes that is safe for educational staff and students. The first step in raising the return, Del Mazo said, will take place on May 12, in conjunction with the federal government, with the initiation of Covid-19 vaccination to Mexican teachers and teachers, at which point 375,000 teachers from public and private schools are expected to be inoculated. 
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During the ninth regular session of the Comprehensive Protection System for Children and Adolescents of the State of Mexico (Sipinna), the Mexican governor reported that the application of the vaccine to Mexican teachers will be able to establish a safe return to classes, which involves teacher unions, parent societies and state education authorities. Read more: Russia registers a third vaccine against Covid-19: CoviVacThe vaccination of the state magisterium, said Del Mazo Maza, is expected to take place in a week to propose a possible return, such as that of some workshops and laboratories in 140 educational campuses of the State of Mexico.Development and well-being of children
At the session, Alfredo Del Mazo stressed that Sipinna is one of the units responsible for protecting the rights of the more than 6 million Mexichens up to 17 years of age, and works to ensure that they have a fair and equal development. Read more: ImSS calls for vaccination against measles and rubellaWith these bases, the governor published hours later the actions that arise with the Protection System to promote the development and well-being of Mexchen children and youth.

Vaccination of Jalisco teaching staff begins

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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