translated from Spanish: How necessary is artificial intelligence in cybersecurity?

The year 2020 will be recorded in history as the year in which a real revolution of data, and of life as we knew it so far, was generated. The rollover of all the activities, so far carried out in person to the virtual, accelerated the digital transformation and brought, faster than we expected, the settlement of telework and an unprecedented growth of ecommerce. However, as in everything, this digital transformation meant a number of risks, including, in a timely manner, an uncontrolled rise in data insecurity. From time to time to this part of fact, we have seen sustained growth in attacks based on social engineering.
Indeed, according to data from Fortinet, a company dedicated to the sale of security systems, Chile recorded more than 2.3 billion attempts at cyberattacks during 2020, out of a total of 41 billion recorded throughout Latin America and the Caribbean.
The main attacks we saw during that year, which will continue to affect both individuals and organizations, are those related to phishing, ransomware, advanced persistent threat (APT) and denial of services.
In this context, how necessary is Artificial Intelligence in cybersecurity? The answer to this question is essential.
The first step in establishing good control against potential cyberattack is the incorporation of solutions that include not only preventive monitoring, but also adequate education for users as well as proper management and immediate approach to incidents.
Today, system configuration options have been developed that can transcend basic security configurations, and one of the best is the implementation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in cybersecurity.
Indeed, Artificial Intelligence can analyze and learn data more efficiently and accurately, making it the new priority of cybersecurity in IT departments in enterprises.
Moreover, AI can be used during all stages to be followed in intelligent end-to-end security, such as detection, identification, protection, response, and recovery of data from incidents.
What would be the ways to implement AI in cybersecurity systems and its advantages?
One of them could be access to Biometric Authentication. Violating passwords that are not secure is the main breaking point in seating business data. This is not to say that passwords, such as a protection system, are not effective, but they can be more secure if accompanied by other identification methods, such as fingerprint or retinal scanning.
Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) can also be highlighted within forms that use AI, which involves using two or more verification methods. It is undeniable that our email accounts or social media profiles are much more secure thanks to the implementation of a double verification. But if we add an AI to it, authentication can be more dynamic and difficult to breach. For example, AI can identify the user’s network and location in real time to immediately modify their access privileges.
Finally, Predictive Threat Detection can also play an important role in data protection, and in this sense, AI is able to evolve and adapt to new threats. Through complex algorithms, cybersecurity companies teach their AI systems to recognize patterns in cyberattacks. This can anticipate threats such as viruses or data hijackings.
With the implementation of these practices, among which many more can be counted, the great benefit is represented in the protection of the data that are, today, the greatest asset of a company.
The content poured into this opinion column is author’s sole responsibility, and does not necessarily reflect El Mostrador’s editorial line or position.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Chile

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