translated from Spanish: There are two detainees for burning vehicles in Uruapan

Uruapan, Michoacán.- This Saturday, criminals aboard motorcycles set fire to three trucks, one in the center of Uruapan, one on the way to San Lorenzo, and one closer to Capacuaro. Two people are detained, one of them with first-degree burns, in most of the body.
It should be remembered that first, they set fire to a Fryen snack delivery truck, on Emilio Carranza street, near the city center of Uruapan; another, of parcels of the company Flecha Amarilla, near San Lorenzo, on the Uruapan-Los Reyes road, and the third, a truck tract, near Capacuaro, on the Uruapan-Paracho road.
These actions led to strong mobilization of the police and National Guard corps, as well as relief corporations.
Shortly after noon, two people aboard a motorcycle tried to set fire to another truck on the Benito Juarez road, near the mural of La Quinta, but the flames of a Molotov bomb hit one of the suspects named Mario N, who caught fire.
While trying to get to safety, he ran to a pine forest that goes to the colony El Mirador, where he was reached by the uniformed and arrested, was subsequently assisted by paramedics and taken to a hospital.
His accomplice also went on the run, identified as Ezequiel, both from the martyrs colony of Uruapan, who was persecuted by municipal transit uniforms, giving him reach on the corner of Rio Márquez and Río Amazonas streets, of the Los Riyitos colony. The detainee was made available to the relevant authority.
On the case, the Ministry of Public Security reported that as a result of the strengthening of operational work in this city, elements of the Secretariat of Public Safety (SSP), assured two male people in possession of Molotov lighters and bombs, with whom they reportedly attempted to set fire to a vehicle.
Michoacán police officers were alerted to two people trying to set fire to a vehicle in the La Quinta colony, so they immediately implemented a security device in the area.
Upon arriving at the site, the officers located those involved, who, noticing the presence of authority in the area, tried to undertake the escape, giving them reach meters later.
In conducting an inspection, police personnel located between the belongings of the now detained four lighters and two fuel-containing bottles, being insured for making available to the competent authority, in order to carry out the respective measures.
One of those involved was transferred to a nosocomio for medical care, because he had burns to various parts of the body.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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