translated from Spanish: Michelle Bachelet recalled sexist situations throughout her political career

Former president and current UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet reported having suffered countless sexist episodes throughout her political career as minister and head of Estado.La a former member addressed these situations in an interview with the German medium Deutsche Welle (DW), in a series of interviews for merkel’s era special : The women of power. Bachelet commented that “women are taught that they can do many things, but that ambition is a bad thing.” Consulted on sexist situations, the former representative replied that she “could tell them about thousands of sexist and misoginal situations and attitudes.” These include criticism of his clothes and body, even when “you never hear that about other colleagues.” The High Commissioner recalled the time a journalist asked her how she handled the problems as a divorced woman, as she did not have a husband to help her. Recognizing he or she was a feminist, she emphasized that the term should also include men: “We include because women have been excluded for so long. We never think that our progress will be based on the exclusion of others.”

Original source in Spanish


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