translated from Spanish: Alfredo Ramirez’s campaign start demonstrated michoacan support for Morena: Misael García

home Michoacán Alfredo Ramirez’s campaign start demonstrated michoacan support for Morena: Misael García

Morelia, Michoacán.- “Although the other parties had a month’s advantage to position themselves in electoral preferences, they failed to do so, and this Sunday with the start of Alfredo Ramírez Bedolla’s campaign that the Michoacans have already decided a real change and want Morena in the state government,” said Misael García Vázquez, they said in a statement.
The activist also stressed that Alfredo Ramirez’s campaign start also served to endorse unity within Morena and the commitment of all state structures to sweep the ballots.
He also said that with Alfredo Ramírez Bedolla, the triumph of 4Q on June 6 is sung, and all the polls show, even though, without foundation, Silvano Aureoles’ candidate says otherwise.
You may be interested: Carlos Herrera steps on the heels of the Morena-PT coalition in Michoacán according to El Financiero survey
“Digital demoscopy shows that far from going down, Morena continues to rise in trends with 10 to 20 points above the candidates of conservatism, who in addition to not have any speeches, only demonstrated that they are able to betray their ideals in order to unite and remain in power.”
He therefore called for an even vote for Morena and reiterated that all party members are committed to the basic principles of the Fourth Transformation that are: Do not lie, not betray and not deceive the people

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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