translated from Spanish: INE profiles cancel Morena’s candidacy in San Luis Potosí

The INE’s Control Commission developed a project in which it proposes to cancel the candidacy of the flag bearer of Morena to the government of San Luis Potosí, Monica Rangel, for having incurred the same omission as its co-religionists in Guerrero and Michoacán: not having reported to the electoral referee their income reports and pre-campaign expenses.
INE sources confirmed that the project was circulated to members of the Audit Committee. Although this body does not yet meet to discuss the proposal, it is expected to move unchanged to the General Council and there it will be approved by the majority of directors, consistent with the previous resolutions of the electoral arbitrator in the cases of Félix Salgado Macedonio and Raúl Morón Orozco.
Morena’s leader, Mario Delgado, said via Twitter that if the project was approved, another “coup” would be landed from the INE to the party. 

In addition, he criticized the resolution two months after the election campaign began and one month after it was election day on 6 June.

Tomorrow the INE could give another blow to our movement by removing the candidacy of @MonicaRangelSLP.
We call for impartiality; it is incredible that 2 months after the start of the campaign and 4 weeks after the election they intend to withdraw applications. #DefendamosLaEsperanza

— Mario Delgado (@mario_delgado) May 6, 2021

INE sources acknowledged that the audit of the campaigns in San Luis Potosí was delayed more than it should, which caused this issue not to be voted “in package” along with the cases of Guerrero and Michoacán.
In his previous rulings on the Morenist candidates, the electoral referee has made it settled that the failure to report pre-campaign expenses impedes his auditing power and has described the lack of serious and intentional, so he has imposed the most serious sanction at his disposal: canceling the registration of applications.
This consideration has been confirmed in judgments by the Federal Electoral Court, which means that the monica Rangel potosina also definitively loses the registration of her candidacy for the government of her state.
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Original source in Spanish


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