translated from Spanish: The Ministry of Transport will sanction unemployment companies

Public bus transport companies in the Buenos Aires Metropolitan Area (AMBA) announced on Thursday that they will suspend the provision of services between 21 and 6 a.m. from this Friday, while from the Ministry of Transport they ensured that companies that do not serve will be sanctioned. In a statement, the entrepreneurs specified that “the measure taken is intended to safeguard the continuity of the operation at the most necessary times, taking into account the tariff freeze for more than two years and the delay in recognizing the impact of inflation on costs for more than eight months”.

The cessation of services was adopted by “the need to enable adequate coverage at the most needy passenger schedules with available resources”. In this sense, they clarified that at 21 the last service of the day will leave each head of each line, taking up the performance from 06 hours the next day, also from each header. For his part, the Undersecretary of Motor Transport of the Ministry of Transport, Marcos César Farina, warned – through his twitter social network account – that companies that do not provide the service “will be sanctioned”.

In the face of versions of bus service suspensions by tomorrow, it is necessary to clarify that companies that do not comply with maintaining the maximum frequency and guaranteeing the covid protocols established will be sanctioned. Continue to be controlled with @InfoCNRT — Mark Caesar Farina (@MFarinaok)
May 6, 2021

“In view of versions of bus service suspensions by tomorrow, it is necessary to clarify that companies that do not comply with maintaining the maximum frequency and ensuring established Covid protocols will be sanctioned. It will continue to be controlled with CNRT agents,” the official stressed. Sources in the Transport portfolio also noted that “companies have been collecting subsidies at 100% of units despite the drop in tickets and even though they are circulating in fewer units by licensed staff, being one of the sectors that did best at the parity level without layoffs”. They stressed that they should not forget that “the sector is under mandatory conciliation under the mandate of the Ministry of Labour” and that “there is an active Working Table with the AMBA chambers discussing the structure of wage costs as a non-wage today”. Sources argued that “these measures only harm essential workers under the Covid”.
In this note:

Original source in Spanish

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