translated from Spanish: Rosa Elena Millán engages to Escuinapa producers

Spit, Sinaloa.- Rosa Elena Millán Bueno, candidate for the governorship of Sinaloa by the Force for Mexico party, committed to farmers who, if they win in the next electoral process, will work hard to strengthen the economy of the municipality of Escuinapa, promoting and creating schemes that guarantee water for irrigation and the marketing of mangoes and vegetables that occur in this fertile land located in the south of Sinaloa. , president of the irrigation unit of the El Peñón dam, raised the uncertain landscape that the agricultural sector is experiencing due to the lack of water for irrigation of its orchards, since one of the worst droughts recorded in the history of the municipality is lived, so he took the opportunity to ask that if you reach the bernatura, do not forget this important sector , on which thousands of families depend in the municipality.
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In this regard, Rosa Elena Millán Bueno said that we have to work the issue of water that has to be divided, one that is for human consumption and that producers have water for their orchards, that is the challenge for the state. Read more: MC candidates denounce vandalism for election propaganda in Escuinapa”I offer you an insanity project that has to do with the basic element, which is water, and that has to do with the commercialization of your product; that income is left to you and not to the intermediaries, and for that we have to work hand in hand with the government to have advice,” said the candidate of Fuerza por México.

He said that one of his priorities would be for producers to be able to access credits for the processing and marketing of pulp, that horticultural growers had a place to dehydrate chili and not to snout the product, that there were warehouses where they could safeguard their crop to sell at a better price and work had to work hard in organizing these sectors that are the first source of Escuinapa’s economy.

AMLO intercepted during surprise visit to Tabasco

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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