translated from Spanish: The woman who killed her partner in Hurlingham stated that it was in “self-defense”

The woman arrested for the crime of Alejo Oroño, killed with a stab wound to the chest on February 10, 2021, testified to justice and stated that her intention “was not to kill him, just to scare him” and that the attack was “in self-defense”. The 22-year-old was killed by his partner Nadia Navarro Montenegro in front of a house where there was a family reunion in the Bonaerense party of Hurlingham. The fact was filmed by a security camera and is a key test in the cause. The Trial Court 3 of Morón resulted in the request of prosecutor Javier Ghessi of Prosecutor’s Office 1 of the same district, to change the cover of the case from “simple homicide” to “aggravated homicide” because it was a person with whom a relationship was maintained which provides for life imprisonment.

According to prosecutor Ghessi, all the evidence gathered suggests montenegro attacked Oroño knowing that he “could kill him with a white gun.” In turn, it is working on the closure of instructional investigation tasks in order to elevate the case to a future oral trial. It is the first time that the woman has declared in the context of the cause. The judicial sources added that when she was blinded, she argued, “I didn’t want to kill him, I just wanted to scare him, because I was afraid at the time of confronting him,” adding that he attacked his ex “in self-defense because he felt threats from the other side.” Contrary to the testimony of the 23-year-old woman, the video showing the time of the crime in the case shows that the young man “never gestured attacking her,” the sources said.” He was not encouraged to denounce Montenegro out of shame, for being a man and for a woman to beat him. She was very violent and abusive. Once he hit him with a stick,” said one of Oroño’s cousins. Until the time of this first statement, it was housed in morón Police Station.

Original source in Spanish


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