translated from Spanish: Father of the defendant in young scout crime: “She will be the first woman in Chile raped and convicted”

This Tuesday, the oral trial for the crime of scout Tomás Acevedo Olea, a brutal 2019 murder in St. Vincent in the O’Higgins region, will resume. It should be remembered that the accused of the crime are 23-year-old Ulysses Labrín and a teenager who was 15 at the time. Mega’s father spoke to Mega’s matinal, “Mucho Gusto”, where he referred to the crime and stated that “she is the youngest who has been imprisoned for the longest time in Chile. She’s paying a sentence without being convicted.” “She hasn’t killed anyone. the Ulysses boy met with the boy Thomas to fight and the other got out of hand. My daughter wasn’t there where they were fighting,” the defendant’s dad added, though she acknowledged that her daughter “was close, 100 yards away? (But) She didn’t participate,” she said. According to his version, his daughter was sexually abused and told Labrín, who “acted in bad shape,” as the child’s father called him. “My daughter was raped (…) She will be the first woman in Chile raped and convicted,” she said. For her part, Thomas’ mother rebade the defendant’s dad theory in a conversation with the same show, “I hope for justice that I won’t have. I’m not going to have justice for my son because the crime was committed by a minor.” He further asserted that “you cannot go blind to the facts. The one who did this was her, the one who planned all this was her.” The cameras don’t lie, the girl (accused) was seen coming in and out (from the crime scene). WhatsApp messages were displayed, this they had been planning. I don’t know what Dad’s up to,” he concluded.

Original source in Spanish


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