translated from Spanish: Joaquín Lavín proposed a 100,000 peso bonus to spend alone on SMEs

Joaquín Lavín, UDI presidential candidate and mayor of Las Condes, planned to give a bonus to all families enrolled in the Social Register of Households (RSE) and that the money be used only in small and medium-sized enterprises. This would be 100 thousand pesos, which could be spent in all these shops, except in large chains or supermarkets. He told Emol, he proposed to the government his idea, arguing that today “there are almost 7 million in the Social Household Registry, if you give $100,000 pesos, you could give it in one or two installments, but it’s a billion-dollar injection into the vein into SME sales.” In this sense, she went on to explain how she would work, exemplifying that “there are municipalities like us or Puente Alto that established in the pandemic the ‘neighborhood wallet’, which is a card that can be spent only on certain neighborhood businesses that have been enlisted in the municipality”. “Then you go with that card, the amount is discounted and the municipality pays those companies,” he said. In addition to calling it “a fairly simple system that doesn’t require printing cards because it can be done with identity card,” the communal chief argued that it would help “both sides.” “It’s an income for families but at the same time, it can only be spent on micro and small businesses.”

Original source in Spanish


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