translated from Spanish: Lewin tells how it was to resume recordings of “The Tower of Mabel”

Between breaks and postponements, the premiere of Canal 13’s “La Torre de Mabel” begins its countdown. The series, starring Paloma Moreno, will be released in prime June time and focuses on the story of Mabel Andrade, a well-off woman who after a “regrettable mistake” is driven from her home and about to run out of the tuition of her children. In an attempt to make a living and get her children back, Mabel looks for ways to emerge. “There she meets other small entrepreneurs who are also trying to get their lives going and with them she will form a society so that she can survive again,” explains actress Blanca Lewin, who plays Pandora, one of her new friends alongside Soledad, played by Elisa Zulueta.How was the whole process of recording, stopping everything for covid and coming back? At first it was very hard because of the uncertainty, and also because deep down we not only had to stay in our homes, but the producer also took the Employment Protection Act, so we were fed up months without pay and waiting to see what was going on. Then the producer did a very good job with a protocol that didn’t exist until that point. They made a super good and serious 80-page protocol that allowed us to feel safe in the workspace. We still worked pretty scared of what might happen, but we didn’t have any contagion. Today I look back and the health measures were even stronger or just as stronger than what is being taken today in audiovisual projects. I’m so proud to have been part of this pioneering team, was it strange to return to the script after the break? Yes, it was weird. In fact, the production had to make us, from the continuity department, send us records that they had, they were records made of their Ipad to the monitor that was in the studio so that we could remember what our characters were like: how they talked, how they moved, what their story was… With all that, we were able to get back in the car. It was kind of a “let’s see, where did I stay?” Of course, or more than that, it was a “what was I like?” (laughs). After so much downtime, it was hard to remember, apart from the time we hadn’t been recording when we stop either. It took us a couple of months before everything stopped. And what’s Pandora like? I imagine she’s a woman who always manages… Yes, I think that more than always manage, has a great spirit that she would like to be a good entrepreneur, in terms of generating lucas, because she has a son who studies a medical career at a private university, which is quite expensive. But on the other hand, he doesn’t always do well. It’s always full of debt, you’re always seeing at the last minute where to get money to meet, that you don’t cancel your child’s tuition, that kind of thing. It’s pretty realistic… It’s realistic from a conflict point of view, but also treated from a comedy tone that obviously the characters have a funny, funny nuance. At least my character is like a little passa’ (laughs).How is that? She’s like that, she always spends two peoples of things. For example, it has as its law of life the “as you see, they treat you”. Then it always tries to look white-tipped but like it’s always passed, just like in concepts. She has a coffee and climbs into a manicure salon, so she has to have everything perfect, with perfect nails. Always well made-up, with false eyelashes, recharged but perfect. You always spend a little, but little (laughs).

Original source in Spanish


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