translated from Spanish: Hotelería seeks to reverse the number of marriages cancelled by pandemic

With quarantines in the country and social estating as a product of the pandemic, activities that bring together a large number of people ceased to be carried out almost completely, and marriages were one of the most affected. According to surveys, 9 out of 10 couples in Chile decided to postpone their wedding in 2020, a situation that due to the new restrictions of displacement and meeting established make foresee a similar situation this year.
As of December last year, the event, fair, hospitality and tourism industry has stopped doing more than 140,000 activities in the last 13 months, generating more than $800 million in losses and leaving 270,000 people jobless.
According to Juan Pablo Murillo, spokesman for the industry’s first meeting EIE 2020 events, “there are companies that do not bill more than a year ago, it is estimated that the events sector has stopped selling about 95% of what it sells in a normal year, a large part of freelance workers are income-free and more than 40% of professionals have been unlinked.”
For the spokesman, “the restart of events must be prioritized, because they are much more controlled, generate effective traceability and a high impact on our economy, which will create a virtuous circle of revival.”
The pandemic made the industry mutate. Currently the market offers attractive possibilities to schedule this long-awaited celebration, including discounts of up to 50% for those who co-stare and book during the first half of 2021.
Mauricio Meyer, general manager of Hotel NODO, explains that they are betting on a “disruptive” offer and aims precisely to generate a unique meeting experience after having lived the lockdown and remoteness during the pandemic”.
Options range from a lamb to the stick on the 12th floor while watching the capital’s sunset to a gourmet selection of burgers in a more relaxed format.
Given the availability of quotas, you can also book an entire apartment of accommodation for guests and even have breakfast together the next day.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Chile

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