translated from Spanish: Delgado faced with possible desligue of Chilean presidencies Let’s go with the Executive: “they have a different logic” to the government administration

The Minister of the Interior, Rodrigo Delgado, referred to an eventual dismanging of the presidential candidates of Chile Vamos -Joaquín Lavín (UDI), Mario Desbordes (RN), Ignacio Briones (Evópoli) and Sebastián Sichel (IND) – with the Executive during the campaign for the primary on June 18. In this regard, the Secretary of State said that “candidates have a different logic” to the government administration.
“The government manages a reality and has to govern. Candidates have a different logic, which are mostly forward-looking, and often these logics do not coexist with each other,” said interior holder La Tercera.
“We hope that within the framework of the primaries I hope that they can make their proposals, in the face of the people, proposals that are responsible, and that they will be and that they will be in tune with the needs of the citizens. The last election taught us a lesson from it,” he added.
“The government continues to govern and the candidates make their proposals What do we have in favor as Chile Vamos? That our candidates have been ministers of state. They know what that reality is, they know what they often find themselves with, the proposals they make, because they know the internal circuit of a government, they know the legislative debate about it and they know the fiscal responsibility that comes with it,” he continued.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Chile

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