translated from Spanish: PC and FA MPs enter project that reduces requirements to nominate independent candidates to Congress

From a conversation that Daniel Jadue had with the People’s List, the mayor re-elected by Recoleta made the request to PC Banking to carry out a parliamentary motion that aims to improve the representativeness of the National Congress, establishing a joint composition and incorporating 17 seats reserved for indigenous peoples in addition to the 155 members of the House. The initiative also establishes a minimum percentage of applications for persons with disabilities and exempts them from the correction formula, the same for Trans people.
The proposal amends the Constitutional Organic Law on Popular Votes and Counts, and allows independents to form an electoral pact between them, or go into an electoral pact with other political parties. It also allows the formation of sub-conditions between them or with political parties, the same system that uses the election of councillors.
Deputy Karol Cariola, deputy head of PC Banking and coordinator of this project, said that “the Constitutional Convention has already taught us a lesson about the high participation that they had independent during this process and the important thing is also to open up paths and possibilities for them to participate in equal participation. Expanding Democracy and its representation is also a responsibility of those of us today in positions of political representation, and that is a responsibility that we feel today and that somehow also, from the request of the People’s List to our presidential candidate, we believe that it is necessary to carry out this legal initiative.”
In the same direction, The Deputy and Presidential Candidate of the Broad Front, Gabriel Boric, said that “Chile changed and institutions and parties also have to be able to adapt to these changes and not make corporate defenses of an old order. This requires, by the way, having parties that are more agile, more transparent, and those who do not militete in parties but have other forms of organization, can also be part of public debates.”
PC Bench Chief Amaro Labra said that with the initiative “we will improve representation in Parliament for the year-end elections by establishing a joint composition and representation of the original peoples and the first nations as established in the constituent. We will stimulate the choice of trans nominations by correcting the formula of the constituent, expand the ability to choose independent applications by establishing various formulas to agree, register and participate in these nominations, collecting together with the FA what is expressed in the May votes mostly by our people.”
Meps Claudia Mix, one of the signatories of the motion, added that “it became clear that Democracy requires popular prominence and citizenism that overflows political parties. That is why it is essential that gender parity, the presence of independents and seats for the trans world, the disabled and the original peoples must also be part of the new Congress. We are going to stress to make the next Parliament look like Chile like the Constitutional Convention.”
For PC DEPUTY Camila Vallejo, “it is not possible for us to have an elite who are minority of our population, over-represented in Congress permanently vetting bills and constitutional reforms,” she said, adding that the proposal “comes to improve the rules of the game, it reopens the possibility that those who disputed the Constitutional Convention can also do so in Congress , because for the great transformations that need to be made in Chile, it is not enough only with the constituent process but also that we also need a Congress that is diverse, that actually represents the social, political, cultural majorities that exist in Chile today”.
Humanist MP Tomás Hirsch said: “If we want Chile to move towards a true, inclusive Democracy with room for all and all to participate, we need to change the mechanisms of entry into Congress. As we did in the Convention, in the Chamber of Deputies there must be parity between men and women, the original peoples must be represented, and by the way also, lists of independents must be possible for them to have the same opportunity(d) to participate and be members of the National Congress, of which the affiliates and militants of political parties have.”
His pair Marisela Santibáñez (PC) added that “it is always positive to legislate initiatives that go for the people and to have more and better Democracy, that is why this bill that comes to improve representativeness in Congress is a step forward, it is a step forward, especially after what we live in the last elections”.
Finally, PC Deputy Carmen Hertz said that “it is not possible today in Chile to continue to maintain a completely deficit democracy, with widespread distrust on the part of the public towards political institutions. It is necessary and indispensable to reform the political and democratic system.”
The bill was entered with the signatures of communist deputies Karol Cariola, Amaro Labra, Carmen Hertz, Boris Barrera and Guillermo Teillier; in addition to the signatures of the deputies in front of amplists Claudia Mix, Tomás Hirsch, Maite Orsini, Gabriel Boric, and Marcelo Díaz.
Project (PC-FA) that reduces requirements for independent candidates by El Mostrador on Scribd

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Chile

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