translated from Spanish: The Government of the province of Buenos Aires called for the postponement of the Copa America

A few weeks after the start of a new edition of the Copa América, which, after the withdrawal of Colombia, will be organized entirely by Argentina, Argentina is in strict confinement and with a health system that, according to data from the Ministry of Health, is heavily stressed. That’s why, from the province of Buenos Aires, they slipped the possibility of deferring the tournament for a few months.
“It seems to me that the America’s Cup could be postponed. In June it can be a very inopportune moment,” said Nicolás Kreplak, Minister of Health of Bonaerense, in statements to El Destape Radio.In that line, he noted that it is “complex to think of a Copa America” in this context and argued that “from an epidemiological point of view, if a few months later the America’s Cup would be better.” If we say it for the election, how could we not say it for a drink,” he stressed. In turn, without naming it, he questioned CONMEBOL and said that “sometimes international organizations do not see the reality of each country.” “There seems to be some kind of automation in some sports decisions,” he added. The Copa America will be played between June 11 and July 10. Originally, it was to be organized, together, by Colombia and Argentina. However, the first country, in a serious social and health crisis, decided to move away from the organization, so Argentina remained the sole headquarters. Days ago, President Alberto Fernández had said that competition without public and protocols can be carried out in our country.

Original source in Spanish


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